Monday, August 22, 2011

Upload files from local machine to SharePoint document library Automatically (DOS command)

From research I have found so many ways to upload files / documents from File server or from local desktop to SharePoint document library. There are lots of JavaScript available to achieve this goal.
But using these methods end user definitely becomes crazy.
Here I have used a very simple method which automatically uploads document from source folder to SharePoint document library.
Following steps we have to implement to use this method.
·        On your machine map a SharePoint site, make sure to create a mapped drive of SharePoint site (not a network place)
·        This will assign a letter to site (i.e. Z), and this will create a SharePoint site as a folder.
·        So now we have “Z” drive which contains our SharePoint site and all its content and when you navigate to any of the content make sure it will open a folder with “z:\content folder” (as simple as opening a local folder in C / D drive)
·        Now we have two local drives one is Source folder and one is SharePoint site.
·        Now run following command to check whether we are able to copy documents from one location to another (From local source folder to SharePoint site)

COPY “sourcefolder\filename” “destination (SharePoint Site)”

Copy c:\Pratik\*.* z:\Documents

·        (Above command will copy all files from “C:\Pratik” folder to SharePoint site)
·        If this will be done successfully then simply create a batch file which copies documents on a click
·        And to make this click automated put that batch file in windows task scheduler so that @ a specific time frame it will run and picks up document from local source folder and uploads it to SharePoint site.
·        You might face some issues while making map drive, to resolve it follow these steps
On Windows XP machine
·        Right click “My Computer” > Map Network Drive
·        It will open a wizard, provide SharePoint site name with UNC path (i.e file://servername/folder)
·        If you will get any error please chec webclient is activated on the machine.
On Windows 7 machine
·        Right click “My Computer” > Map Network Drive
·        It will open a wizard, provide SharePoint site name same as you provide in explorer address bar (http://sitename/)
Suggations and feedbacks are always welcome J. Feel free to reach me n case of any issues.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Site collection limitations Sharepoint 2010

Limit Maximum value Limit type Notes
Web site250,000 per site collectionSupportedThe maximum recommended number of sites and subsites is 250,000 sites.

You can create a very large total number of Web sites by nesting subsites. For example, in a shallow hierarchy with 100 sites, each with 1,000 subsites, you would have a total of 100,000 Web sites. Or a deep hierarchy with 100 sites, each with 10 subsite levels would also contain a total of 100,000 Web sites.

Note: Deleting or creating a site or subsite can significantly affect a site's availability. Access to the site and subsites will be limited while the site is being deleted. Attempting to create many subsites at the same time may also fail.
Site collection sizeMaximum size of the content databaseSupportedA site collection can be as large as the content database size limit for the applicable usage scenario


In general, we strongly recommend limiting the size of site collections to 100 GB for the following reasons:

  • Certain site collection actions, such as site collection backup/restore or the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Move-SPSite, cause large Microsoft SQL Server operations which can affect performance or fail if other site collections are active in the same database.

  • SharePoint site collection backup and restore is only supported for a maximum site collection size of 100 GB. For larger site collections, the entire content database must be backed up. If multiple site collections larger than 100 GB are contained in a single content database, backup and restore operations can take a long time and are at risk of failure.


 List and library limits
The following table lists the recommended guidelines for lists and libraries.

Limit Maximum value Limit type Notes
List row size8,000 bytes per rowBoundaryEach list or library item can only occupy 8,000 bytes in total in the database. 256 bytes are reserved for built-in columns, which leaves 7,744 bytes for end-user columns.
File size2 GBBoundaryThe default maximum file size is 50 MB. This can be increased up to 2 GB, however a large volume of very large files can affect farm performance.
Documents30,000,000 per librarySupportedYou can create very large document libraries by nesting folders, or using standard views and site hierarchy. This value may vary depending on how documents and folders are organized, and by the type and size of documents stored.
Major versions400,000SupportedIf you exceed this limit, basic file operations—such as file open or save, delete, and viewing the version history— may not succeed.
Items30,000,000 per listSupportedYou can create very large lists using standard views, site hierarchies, and metadata navigation. This value may vary depending on the number of columns in the list and the usage of the list.
Rows size limit6 table rows internal to the database used for a list or library itemSupportedSpecifies the maximum number of table rows internal to the database that can be used for a list or library item. To accommodate wide lists with many columns, each item may be wrapped over several internal table rows, up to six rows by default. This is configurable by farm administrators through the object model only.
Bulk operations100 items per bulk operationBoundaryThe user interface allows a maximum of 100 items to be selected for bulk operations.
List view lookup threshold8 join operations per queryThresholdSpecifies the maximum number of joins allowed per query, such as those based on lookup, person/group, or workflow status columns. If the query uses more than eight joins, the operation is blocked. This does not apply to single item operations. When using the maximal view via the object model (by not specifying any view fields), SharePoint will return up to the first eight lookups.
List view threshold5,000ThresholdSpecifies the maximum number of list or library items that a database operation, such as a query, can process at the same time outside the daily time window set by the administrator during which queries are unrestricted.
List view threshold for auditors and administrators20,000ThresholdSpecifies the maximum number of list or library items that a database operation, such as a query, can process at the same time when they are performed by an auditor or administrator with appropriate permissions. This setting works with Allow Object Model Override.
Subsite2,000 per site viewThresholdThe interface for enumerating subsites of a given Web site does not perform well as the number of subsites surpasses 2,000. Similarly, the All Site Content page and the Tree View Control performance will decrease significantly as the number of subsites grows.
Coauthoring in Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint for .docx, .pptx and .ppsx files 10 concurrent editors per documentThresholdRecommended maximum number of concurrent editors is 10. The boundary is 99.

If there are 99 co-authors who have a single document opened for concurrent editing, any user after the 100th user sees a "File in use" error and have to view a read-only copy.

More than 10 co-editors will lead to a gradually degraded user experience with more conflicts and users will have to go through more iterations to get their changes to upload successfully.
Security scope1,000 per listThresholdThe maximum number of unique security scopes set for a list should not exceed 1,000.

A scope is the security boundary for a securable object and any of its children that do not have a separate security boundary defined. A scope contains an Access Control List (ACL), but unlike NTFS ACLs, a scope can include security principals that are specific to SharePoint Server. The members of an ACL for a scope can include Windows users, user accounts other than Windows users (such as forms-based accounts), Active Directory groups, or SharePoint groups.

Learn Windows PowerShell

use the Get-Help about* command as follows:

get-help about*

Suppose you do not remember the exact name of the cmdlet you wish to use, but you remember

it was a get cmdlet? You can use a wild card, such as an asterisk (*), to obtain the name of the cmdlet. This is shown here: 

get-help get*

 This technique of using a wild card operator can be extended further. If you remember that the cmdlet was a get cmdlet, and that it started with the letter p, you can use the following

To retrieve the desired cmdlet:
                                                     get-help get-p*

 Suppose, however, that you know the exact name of the cmdlet, but you cannot exactly remember the syntax. For this scenario, you can use the -examples argument. For example, for the Get-PSDrive cmdlet, you would use Get-Help with the -examples argument, as follows:

get-help get-psdrive –examples

To see help displayed one page at a time, you can use the help function, which displays the help output text through the more function. This is useful if you want to avoid scrolling up and down to see the help output.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Redirect Sharepoint site

Script For Redirecting The Sharepoint Site Using Content Editor Webpart.


<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function redirectsp()
top.location="http://YOURSITE HERE";
if (top.frames.length==0)
<TABLE width=70% align=center cellpadding=10><TBODY bgcolor=#EOEBED><TR><TD><STRONG><FONT size=4 color=#59452A><BR>You will be redirected here: <FONT face=Verdana><A href="http://servername/sites/Test/default.aspx">http://servername/sites/Test/default.aspx</A> Please bookmark it for future reference. You will be redirected in 5 seconds or you may click on the link to go there immediately.<BR><BR></FONT></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Monday, August 15, 2011

One of the properties of the Web Part has an incorrect format. Windows SharePoint Services cannot deserialize the Web Part. Check the format of the properties and try again

Error on Webpart

One of the properties of the Web Part has an incorrect format. Windows SharePoint Services cannot deserialize the Web Part. Check the format of the properties and try again.


Resolution (2  Solutions)

1.   Check the Disk space on the server where the sharepoint site is hosted . After deleting the temp files perform an IISRESET. In my case deleting the temp files from C Drive on the server resolved the issue


2.   Make sure that the following permissions are configured correctly: - 

Windows directory
Administrators - Full Control
SYSTEM - Full Control
STS_WPG - Read, Write
Network Service (for a domain controller only) - Read, Write

STS Administrators - Full Control
SYSTEM - Full Control
STS_WPG - Read, Write
Network Service (for a domain controller only) - Read, Write

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How to find what template is the Sharepoint site using

I found a very great post by Mr. Praveen Battula, thought of sharing it.

To find the template of the site - Go to Site Actions - Site Settings,  save the site as site template[.STP extension] to the local drive. Now navigate to that location and rename the file to .CAB extension. Extract the CAB file and find the manifest.xml file, in the file check for the TemplateID string and note the string. That string will be template name

Site template ID(string) to Name mapping:
0 - GLOBAL (SetupPath=global) - "Global template"
1 - STS - "windows SharePoint Services Site", "Team Site", "Blank Site", "Document Workspace"
2 - MPS - "Basic Meeting Workspace", "Blank Meeting Workspace", "Decision Meeting Workspace", "Social Meeting Workspace", "Multipage Meeting Workspace"
3 - CENTRALADMIN - "Central Admin Site"
4 - WIKI - "Wiki Site"
7 - BDR - "Document Center"
9 - BLOG - "Blog"
20 - SPS (OBSOLETE) - "SharePoint Portal Server Site"
21 - SPSPERS - "SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space"
22 - SPSMSITE - "Personalization Site"
30 - SPSTOC (OBSOLETE) - "Contents area Template"
31 - SPSTOPIC (OBSOLETE) - "Topic area template"
32 - SPSNEWS (OBSOLETE) - "News area template"
33 - SPSNHOME (SubWebOnly) - "News Home template"
34 - SPSSITES - "Site Directory area template"
36 - SPSCOMMU (OBSOLETE) - "Community area template"
38 - SPSREPORTCENTER - "Report Center Site"
39 - CMSPUBLISHING (SetupPath=SiteTemplates\PUBLISHING) - "Publishing and Team Collaboration Site"
40 - OSRV (SetupPath=SiteTemplates\OSRV) - "Shared Services Administration Site"
47 - SPSPORTAL - "Corporate Intranet Site"
50 - SRCHCEN - "Search Center"
51 - PROFILES - "Profiles"
52 - BLANKINTERNETCONTAINER - "Internet Presence Web Site"
53 - BLANKINTERNET - "Publishing Site", "Press Releases Site", "Publishing Site"
54 - SPSMSITEHOST - "My Site Host"
90 - SRCHCENTERLITE (SetupPath=SiteTemplates\SRCHCENTERLITE) - "Search Center Lite"
6221 - PWA (SetupPath=SiteTemplates\PWA) - "Project Web Access Site"
6215 - PWS (SetupPath=SiteTemplates\PWS) - "Project Workspace"
14483 - OFFILE - "Records Repository", "Records Repository"

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sharepoint 2007 Guidelines

objectGuidelines for acceptable performanceNotesScope of impact when performance degrades
Site collection 50,000 per Web applicationTotal farm throughput degrades as the number of site collections increases.Farm
Web site250,000 per site collectionYou can create a very large total number of Web sites by nesting the subsites. For example, 100 sites, each with 1000 subsites, is 100,000 Web sites. The maximum recommended number of sites and subsites is 125 sites with 2,000 subsites each, for a total of 250,000 sites.Site collection
Subsite2,000 per Web siteThe interface for enumerating subsites of a given Web site does not perform well as the number of subsites surpasses 2,000.Site view
Document5 million per libraryYou can create very large document libraries by nesting folders, using standard views and site hierarchy. This value may vary depending on how documents and folders are organized, and by the type and size of documents stored.Library
Item2,000 per viewTesting indicates a reduction in performance beyond two thousand items. Using indexing on a flat folder view can improve performance.List view
Document file size50MB (2GB max*)File save performance is proportional to the size of the file. The default maximum is 50 MB. This maximum is enforced by the system, but you can change it to any value up to 2 GB.Library, file save performance
List2,000 per Web siteTesting indicates a reduction in list view performance beyond two thousand entries.List view
Field type256 per listThis is not a hard limit, but you might experience list view performance degradation as the number of field types in a list increases.List view
Column2,000 per document library4,096 per listThis is not a hard limit, but you might experience library and list view performance degradation as the number of columns in a document library or list increases.Library and list view
Web Part50 per pageThis figure is an estimate based on simple Web Parts. The complexity of the Web Parts dictates how many Web Parts can be used on a page before performance is affected.Page

SharePoint list cannot be displayed in Datasheet view

You receive The list cannot be displayed in Datasheet view for one or more of the following reasons: A datasheet component compatible with Windows SharePoint Services is not installed, your browser does not support ActiveX controls, or support for ActiveX controls is disabled error message when you trying to view SharePoint list in Datasheet view.

Root Cause:

If you are using MS Office 2007, the Microsoft Office Access Web Datasheet Component and the Windows SharePoint Services Support components are not installed on your machine


If you are using MS Office 2007, you have to make sure Web Datasheet Component installed with Office 2007 software. 

Start menu -> Control Panel -> Add Remove Programs

  • Select MSOffice Professional 2007 plus -> click on "Change"

  • Choose "Add or Remove Features"

  • Expand Microsoft Office -> Next verify that you have both the Microsoft Office Access Web Datasheet Component and the Windows SharePoint Services Support component installed. If you didn't see these two components, install it by using media.

Security Warning HTTPS

Click on the gears like toolbar icon in the top-right corner of the Internet Explorer 9. Select Internet Options from the popup menu.

In the Internet Options window, select the Security tab.

Click on the button labeled Custom level... while the Trusted Zone zone is selected.



Scroll down the list of options and select Enabled for the Display mixed content.

Click OK twice to save settings and close all the open options windows.

Monday, August 8, 2011

.PPS opens as .PPT in Browser


Whenever you try to open the Powerpoint slide file .PPS from a web browser it opens it in Edit mode in .PPT format



  • Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
  • Locate and click the following key in the registry:
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PowerPoint.Show.8
  • On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
  • Value name: BrowserFlags
    Data type: REG_DWORD
    Radix: click Hexadecimal
    Value data: 0
  • Quit Registry Editor.

The value of a causes the presentation to be opened in edit mode. The value of 8 causes the presentation to be opened in a new window in show mode. The value of 0 or the absence of this registry key causes the presentation to be opened in the browser window in show mode.


Reference : -

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Excel file is opening with “Unable to Load Workbook” in browser

Error: Unable to Load Workbook
The workbook that you selected cannot be loaded because it contains the following features that are not supported by Excel Services:

Comments, ActiveX controls, Shapes, Text Boxes, Pictures, WordArt, Clip Art, Embedded OLE objects, Ink Annotations, Forms Toolbar controls, Control Toolbox controls, Charts that are part of a group, Signature Lines, or Camera objects

Contact the workbook author.

Learn more about what features are not supported by Excel Services…

I removed Text Boxes, Clip Arts, Shapes but no luck still got the same error.
Also removed formulas but error remained same. Followed all possible ways to get rid of this error and checked for all possible root causes mentioned in above error but did not get success.
Finally found one column using a formula “SUMPRODUCT” and it was referring another excel sheet.
Copied data of that column pasted it as a value and removed formula.
Saved the file
Uploaded again it to document library
And then we were able to view that excel file in browser.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Unable to publish browser enabled InfoPath forms to a SharePoint form library

User will get the following error while publishing an InfoPath form template to a form library in spite of the fact that the template is browser compatible "This form template is browser-compatible, but it cannot be browser-enabled on the selected site."
This problem happens which you delete the default form library which is created when the first time enterprise features are enabled called “form templates”
Deactivate and Activate the InfoPath features again using force switch. To do so, run the following commands:
stsadm -o deactivatefeature -filename IPFSSiteFeatures\feature.xml -force -url %SITE_COLLECTION_URL%
stsadm -o deactivatefeature -filename IPFSWebFeatures\feature.xml -force -url %SITE_COLLECTION_URL%
stsadm -o activatefeature -filename IPFSSiteFeatures\feature.xml -force  -url %SITE_COLLECTION_URL%
stsadm -o activatefeature -filename IPFSWebFeatures\feature.xml  -force -url %SITE_COLLECTION_URL%

Unable to publish browser enabled InfoPath forms to a SharePoint form library

User will get the following error while publishing an InfoPath form template to a form library in spite of the fact that the template is browser compatible "This form template is browser-compatible, but it cannot be browser-enabled on the selected site."
This problem happens which you delete the default form library which is created when the first time enterprise features are enabled called “form templates”
Deactivate and Activate the InfoPath features again using force switch. To do so, run the following commands:
stsadm -o deactivatefeature -filename IPFSSiteFeatures\feature.xml -force -url %SITE_COLLECTION_URL%
stsadm -o deactivatefeature -filename IPFSWebFeatures\feature.xml -force -url %SITE_COLLECTION_URL%
stsadm -o activatefeature -filename IPFSSiteFeatures\feature.xml -force  -url %SITE_COLLECTION_URL%
stsadm -o activatefeature -filename IPFSWebFeatures\feature.xml  -force -url %SITE_COLLECTION_URL%

The specified file or folder name is too long

You recive an error the "The specified file or folder name is too long" when you try to name a file or folder in sharepoint.
This also effects copying of files from explorer view to other location.

If the URL of your site sums to 256 + characters it is unsupported by IE6. we advise users to upgrade to IE7 to be able to do so according to KB  -
Alternatively, user can navigate to explorer view and rename the file names to shorter names until the browser is upgraded.

The specified file or folder name is too long

You recive an error the "The specified file or folder name is too long" when you try to name a file or folder in sharepoint.
This also effects copying of files from explorer view to other location.

If the URL of your site sums to 256 + characters it is unsupported by IE6. we advise users to upgrade to IE7 to be able to do so according to KB  -
Alternatively, user can navigate to explorer view and rename the file names to shorter names until the browser is upgraded.

Users with polish keyboards cannot input some data in the Rich text Editor of the Content editor webpart or the Wiki pages

Polish has letters in addition to the 26 letters that are used in English. However, you cannot type some of these additional letters in the Rich Text Editor. For example, this issue occurs when you try to type some Polish letters in a blog or in a custom list that uses the Rich Text Editor.
We need to run the STSADM utility to enable this fix. Use the following command:
stsadm.exe -o setproperty -url http://portal -pn "richtexteditorshortcutenabled" -pv "no"
This has to run on the portal which contains the site collection.

Users with polish keyboards cannot input some data in the Rich text Editor of the Content editor webpart or the Wiki pages

Polish has letters in addition to the 26 letters that are used in English. However, you cannot type some of these additional letters in the Rich Text Editor. For example, this issue occurs when you try to type some Polish letters in a blog or in a custom list that uses the Rich Text Editor.
We need to run the STSADM utility to enable this fix. Use the following command:
stsadm.exe -o setproperty -url http://portal -pn "richtexteditorshortcutenabled" -pv "no"
This has to run on the portal which contains the site collection.

Monday, August 1, 2011

How to change the URL of a Document Library

To change the URL of a Document Library.

Open IE - Click On File - Open - Paste the URL of the website. Check the Box which says Open as a Webfolder

Lookup for the Document library folder in the windows explorer and Rename the Folder as shown in the below screen shot

Once you rename the Folder the URL of the Library is also updated . Also verify if the Link is reflecting correctly on the Quick launch.

How to change the URL of a Document Library

To change the URL of a Document Library.

Open IE - Click On File - Open - Paste the URL of the website. Check the Box which says Open as a Webfolder

Lookup for the Document library folder in the windows explorer and Rename the Folder as shown in the below screen shot

Once you rename the Folder the URL of the Library is also updated . Also verify if the Link is reflecting correctly on the Quick launch.