Friday, November 30, 2012

Opening PDFs in SharePoint 2010

When trying to open a PDF file, I am prompted to save the file. I do not get the option of opening the file, I am forced to save it.


·         Open the central administration
·         Click Manage Web Applications
·         Click on the web app you want to change, and go to ‘General Settings’
·         Scroll down and reach the section called as ‘Browser File Handling’
·         Change the radio box from Strict to Permissive.
·         Click OK.
·         Settings has been successfully configured

How to Enable Document IDs in SharePoint 2010

The document ID feature creates identifiers that can be used to retrieve items independent of their current location. The document ID service that supports it generates and assigns document IDs.
Microsoft explains:
-Document ID’s are automatically assigned to uploaded documents and this ID will follow the item throughout its entire life cycle. Document IDs can also be assigned to Document Sets.
- Document ID’s are automatically assigned to uploaded documents and this ID will follow the item throughout its entire life cycle. Document IDs can also be assigned to Document Sets.
How to activate it:
  • Open the site that you are referring to
  • Site actions
  • Site settings
  • Site collection administration
  • Site collection features
  • Activate the service named as ‘Document ID’
Note: it will be activated for the complete site collection.
How to enable it:
  • Go to the site collection
  • Site actons
  • Site settings
  • Site collection administration
  • Document ID settings
  • On the Document ID settings page, in the Assign Document IDs section, make sure there is a checkmark in the Assign Document IDs, check box.
  • As soon as you enable the assignment of Document IDs for the first within a site collection, a message appears: Configuration of the Document ID feature is scheduled to be completed by an automated process. This means that a timer job is responsible for completing the assignment of the Document IDs to all documents in the site collection.
  • To set a custom string of characters or numbers that are automatically appended to the beginning of each Document ID, enter the string under Begin IDs with…
  • Begin ID’s with the following charators section, type the text as per your requirement. For example purpose, I am using SharePoint2010
  • Click OK
  • Open Word 2010 and create a new document and save it as follows:
  • Document Name: SharePoint hits.docx
  • Document Content: SharePoint Sample Text
  • Save Document to Desktop
  • Navigate to the document library now
  • Click upload document now
  • Click the Upload Document button on the page and browse to the location of the SharePoint hits document on the desktop and click OK.
  • In the Managed Keywords type Rocks, then click Save
  • Make sure that the document is checked in
  • Click Refresh
  • Select the Reset all Document IDs… check box if you want to automatically add the prefix to all existing Document IDs in your site collection.
  • Click OK and that’s it-Document ID has been successfully enabled for the site collection.

SQL interview questions and answers

What is the difference between IN and BETWEEN, that are used inside a WHERE clause?
-The BETWEEN clause is used to fetch a range of values, whereas the IN clause fetches data from a list of specified values.
What are the wildcards used for pattern matching?
- for single character substitution and % for multi-character substitution

What is Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) ?
-Online transaction processing systems relational database design use the discipline of data modeling and generally follow the Codd rules of data normalization in order to ensure absolute data integrity.

What is sql?
-Structured Query Language (SQL) is a language that provides an interface to relational database systems.

Which is the subset of SQL commands used to manipulate Oracle Database structures, including tables?
-Data Definition Language (DDL)
Which TCP/IP port does SQL Server run on? How can it be changed?
-SQL Server runs on port 1433. It can be changed from the Network Utility TCP/IP properties.
What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL in SQL?
-UNION is an SQL keyword used to merge the results of two or more tables using a Select statement, containing the same fields, with removed duplicate values. UNION ALL does the same, however it persists duplicate values.

What operator performs pattern matching?
-LIKE operator
What are the difference between clustered and a non-clustered index?
-A clustered index is a special type of index that reorders the way records in the table are physically stored.
-A non clustered index is a special type of index in which the logical order of the index does not match the physical stored order of the rows on disk.

What are the privileges that can be granted on a table by a user to others?
Insert, update, delete, select, references, index, execute, alter, all
Whats the capacity of the image data type in MS SQL?
-Variable-length binary data with a maximum length of 2^31 - 1 (2,147,483,647) bytes.
What is difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE commands?
-Delete command removes the rows from a table based on the condition that we provide with a WHERE clause. Truncate will actually remove all the rows from a table and there will be no data in the table after we run the truncate command.
What command is used to get back the privileges offered by the GRANT command?
What are the authentication modes in SQL Server?
-Windows mode and Mixed Mode - SQL and Windows. How 2 change it-To change authentication mode in SQL Server click Start, Programs, Microsoft SQL Server and click SQL Enterprise Manager to run SQL Enterprise Manager from the Microsoft SQL Server program group. Select the server then from the Tools menu select SQL Server Configuration Properties, and choose the Security page.

What’s the difference between a primary key and a unique key?
-Both Primary key and Unique key enforce the uniqueness of a column on which they are defined. However, a Primary key does not allow nulls, whereas unique key allow nulls.
What is a transaction and ACID?
-Transaction - A transaction is a logical unit of work. All steps must be committed or rolled back.
ACID - Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability, these are the unique entities of a transaction.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sharepoint 2013 videos

Watch or download the following content for information about how to plan for, install, or manage SharePoint 2013.

Content Description

Video (play button) icon
Video: Social computing overview in SharePoint Server 2013 View a video of enterprise social computing and collaboration in SharePoint 2013, featuring Bill Baer, SharePoint Senior Product Marketing Manager.

Video (play button) icon
SharePoint 2013 training for IT pros Find IT pro-focused how-to training and walkthrough videos with this interactive course about SharePoint 2013 including changes and new features for search, social, plus deployment and performance/scalability.

How to enable the audit log in SharePoint 2013

To enable the audit log by using Central Administration

·         On the Central Administration home page,
·         In the Application Management section,
·         Click Manage service applications.
·         Select the Secure Store service application.
·         On the ribbon, click Properties.
·         From the Enable Audit section,
·         Click to select the Audit log enabled box.
·         To change the number of days that entries will be purged from the audit log file, specify a number in days in the Days until Purge field.
·         The default value is 30 days.
·         Click OK.

Configure audit settings for a site collection

Please use the following link in which Microsoft has given a very detailed description that references each and every minor point regarding audit settings:

It consists of:
·         Auditing event information
·         Trimming the audit logs (new enhancements in SP2010 and SP2013 as compare to earlier versions)
·         Configure audit log trimming
·         Configure events to audit

View audit log reports
Following link will help you to understand the following points:
·         Events available for audit log reports
·         Available audit log reports
·         View audit log reports

Migrating From SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013

I read a very good article on Dan Holme's Viewpoint on SharePoint Blog on SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013 migration, the most important thing I loved is we can SKIP SharePoint 2010 migration from this process

If you are currently running Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007) or Windows SharePoint Services v3 (WSSv3), you might be struggling to identify your roadmap to newer versions of SharePoint. In this first of a two-part article, I will share with you the business and technical reasons why my roadmap to SharePoint 2013 does not stop at SharePoint 2010.

This migration is a “skip it” migration. Just say “no” to SharePoint 2010.
But first, let me send you greetings from beautiful Melbourne, Australia! I’ve just finished participating in the SHARE event, which focuses on the business-side of SharePoint. This is the last stop in a round-the-world epic journey, which started at home in Maui three weeks ago, went to the SharePoint Conference in Vegas, then on to SharePoint Connections in Amsterdam, SharePoint Evolves in London, and then after a super-long flight from London via Sydney, to Melbourne. Next, I head home for a whole week before SharePoint Saturday Honolulu (which is actually on a Friday, Pearl Harbor Day in fact) and SharePoint 360 Live! in Orlando. Whew! I won’t see home again until 2013.
Now, back to migration… specifically from 2007 to 2010.

Do Not Stop at SharePoint 2010
One of the questions I get regularly at events these days comes from customers who have MOSS 2007 or WSSv3 and are developing their roadmaps forward. Many (or most) of my customers in this situation are giving serious thought to skipping SharePoint 2010 altogether, and that is certainly my guidance to you: Move straight to SharePoint 2013.
Do not stop at SharePoint 2010. Do not waste your time or money.
The current needs—the current workloads, teams, and projects—that you are supporting on MOSS 2007 will migrate to SharePoint 2013 just the same as they would to SharePoint 2010. There’s really nothing that you can do on SharePoint 2010 that you can’t do—a little or a lot better—on SharePoint 2013.
But by moving to SharePoint 2013, you’re going to be much better equipped to support your future needs—and by “future” I mean the needs your business already has “queued up” today. Because the odds are that your business is going to require functionality that can only be supported by SharePoint 2013. This includes business workloads that fall into the “big bet” categories of SharePoint 2013—the features that Microsoft invested heavily in, including social, search, business intelligence, and web content management for public-facing websites, intranets, and extranets. And, it’s likely your business currently needs—or will soon need—the ability to support workloads on mobile devices, on non-Windows devices, or on browsers other than Internet Explorer.

Consider SharePoint Training and End-User Adoption
You also must consider training and user adoption. If you move users from 2007 to 2010, that’s going to require training—a significant amount of training, in fact. SharePoint 2010 has rough edges in discoverability, and gaps in usability, that were solved in SharePoint 2013. That means that your users will require more training going from 2007 to 2010, than from 2007 to 2013. You’re also going to have to train users twice. You’ll have to train them to use 2010, and then when you do finally move to SharePoint 2013, you will have to train them again because the user interface and user experience is quite different in each version of SharePoint.

Consider Your SharePoint Customizations
From a purely technical perspective, the hard part of your migration from 2007 to 2010 or 2013 is the evaluation of your 2007 customizations. You must look at code-based customizations, whether custom-built, in-house code, or third party tools, add-ins, or web parts, and determine what will and won’t work in the target version of SharePoint.

The odds are pretty good that some of your customizations won’t work, and you will have to decide whether the functionality those customizations provide is still necessary, or whether the customization can be left behind. If the customization is necessary, but incompatible, you will have to determine the cost and effort required to remediate the customization so that it works with your target version.
The effort I’ve just described is the same whether you are going to 2010 or 2013. And, in fact, it’s extremely likely that the remediation you undertake will result in the customization being ready for either version.
It’s not the target version of SharePoint that is the issue. It is the mess you have in your 2007 environment that is the real problem. Once you solve that, you are ready to migrate to either 2010 or 2013.

Exam 70-665

PRO: Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Administrator

Published:March 29, 2011
Language(s):English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil)
Audience(s):IT Professionals
Technology:Microsoft Lync Server 2010
Type:Non-Proctored Exam
Preparing for an Exam
The Microsoft Certification website and this preparation guide contain a variety of resources to help you prepare for an exam.Preparing for and Taking an Exam — FAQ provides answers to frequently asked questions about exam registration ,preparation,scoring ,and policies , including:
  • The most effective way to prepare to take an exam.
  • The relationship between Microsoft training materials and exam content.
  • Microsoft policy concerning the incorporation of service pack and revision updates into exam content.
  • Exam question types and formats.
  • Exam time limits and number of questions asked.
We recommend that you review this preparation guide in its entirety and familiarize yourself with the FAQs and resources on the Microsoft Certification website before you schedule your exam.
Audience Profile
Candidates for this exam are IT and telecommunications professionals who design and plan solutions for unified communications. Candidates should have a minimum of two years of experience with Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Office Communications Server 2007, or Office Communications Server 2007 R2 and related technologies. In addition, candidates should be proficient with Windows Server Active Directory 2008, data networks, and telecommunications components that support the configuration of Communications Server 2010.

Candidates should know how to design and plan solutions for Lync Server 2010 for end users, endpoint devices, telephony, audio/video and web conferences, security, and high availability. Candidates should be familiar with the requirements for integrating Lync Server 2010 with Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging.
Credit Toward CertificationExam 70-665: PRO: Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Administrator: counts as credit toward the following certification(s):
Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Administrator
Note This preparation guide is subject to change at any time without prior notice and at the sole discretion of Microsoft. Microsoft exams might include adaptive testing technology and simulation items. Microsoft does not identify the format in which exams are presented. Please use this preparation guide to prepare for the exam, regardless of its format.

Exam 70-664

TS: Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Configuring

Published:March 15, 2011
Language(s):English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese (Simplified)
Audience(s):IT Professionals
Technology:Microsoft Lync Server 2010
Type:Proctored Exam
Preparing for an Exam
The Microsoft Certification website and this preparation guide contain a variety of resources to help you prepare for an exam.Preparing for and Taking an Exam — FAQ provides answers to frequently asked questions about exam registration,preparationscoring, and policies, including:
  • The most effective way to prepare to take an exam.
  • The relationship between Microsoft training materials and exam content.
  • Microsoft policy concerning the incorporation of service pack and revision updates into exam content.
  • Exam question types and formats.
  • Exam time limits and number of questions asked.
We recommend that you review this preparation guide in its entirety and familiarize yourself with the FAQs and resources on the Microsoft Certification website before you schedule your exam.
Audience Profile
Candidates are IT or telecommunications professionals who have experience with complex deployments. They should know how to deploy and configure Lync Server 2010 for end users, endpoint devices, telephony, audio/video and web conferences, security, and high availability. The candidate should also know how to monitor and troubleshoot Lync Server 2010 using Microsoft tools. In addition, candidates should have experience with Windows Server Active Directory 2010 and network and telecommunication components that support the configuration of Lync Server 2010.
Credit Toward CertificationWhen you pass Exam 70-664: TS: Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Configuring, you complete the requirements for the following certification(s):
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Configuration
Exam 70-664: TS: Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Configuring: counts as credit toward the following certification(s):
Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Administrator
Note This preparation guide is subject to change at any time without prior notice and at the sole discretion of Microsoft. Microsoft exams might include adaptive testing technology and simulation items. Microsoft does not identify the format in which exams are presented. Please use this preparation guide to prepare for the exam, regardless of its format.